A resource to help connect NASDAD's practicing dental professionals with fellow dental professionals, newly graduated dentists and dental hygienists, and current dental students.
THE SITUATION Often, graduating and relatively new dentists and dental hygienists have not had the opportunity for introductions to other, more established, dental professionals willing to mentor & collaborate with them. At NASDAD, we are interested in introducing newer graduates to experienced, practicing NASDAD members who will likely have similar practice philosophies as well as a shared background. We wish to introduce them to individuals willing to spend time with them, be available to answer questions, and serve as adviser. We would hope that through this relationship, the students and newer dentists or dental hygienists can reach their ultimate, desired practice.
HOW NASDAD IS ACCOMPLISHING THIS 1. We accept, from current students, new graduates, and other dental professionals in transition, requests for introductions to dental professionals who are willing to serve as mentors and guides. Most often, these requests center around a particular area of the country where the students and newer professionals hope to live and practice. After the introduction, these established, practicing professionals spend time with them, perhaps invite them for a meal if they visit the area, and be available to answer questions as an adviser and NASDAD friend. This relationship has the potential to contribute to both the mentor and the mentee, by resulting in friendship, collaboration, and comradery. It is a service to NASDAD as well since it helps the organization to fulfill its mission to enhance the educational and practice experience of its members.
2. We are accepting information from practicing dental professionals who are willing to mentor or collaborate with students, graduates, or other transitioning professionals. We also will gladly share information if there is a practice opportunity.
3. We may call or email you directly when we receive a requests for introductions. We pray over these connections hoping for a positive experience for all involved. Thank you for your interest and time.