Changing Lives
The Story of Dental Mission Service at Loma Linda University
About the Book
The long-awaited mission book, “Changing Lives,” has been published and is in our hands! This book features a number of NASDAD members and LLUSD alumni who have served NASDAD’s mission both in the United States and internationally. The stories and photographs provide a vivid experience in daily details of past and current dental missions. How to get a copy You may donate $50 (or more) and in return you will receive a copy of this hard-cover book.. Shipping: Within continental US - $10 International: Amount determined after shipping Where to donate Visit the Online Giving of our website or Send check, payable to NASDAD, to: PO Box 101, Loma Linda, CA 92354 or Pick one up in person. Visit Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, Prince Hall, Room 5508 |