NASDAD Membership FAQs |
NASDAD Giving FAQs |
Who is eligible for membership?
All dental professionals and students pursuing a career in dental care are welcome to join NASDAD, including dentists, dental hygienists, dental care administrators, etc. Affiliate and associate members receive the same benefits as other members, with the exception of the right to vote or hold office. In accordance with the NASDAD bylaws, a copy of which is available at <>, each applicant for active, affiliate, associate, or student membership must subscribe to the following statement as a condition for being accepted as a member: “Fully understanding the principles and purposes of this organization, I hereby promise if admitted to membership to further the objectives for which this Association is founded.” What are the dues associated with being a member? We offer various levels of membership dues based on your individual status. We try to structure membership dues to accommodate all dental care professionals who would like to be members. (See our <> page). Are the annual dues tax-deductible? Yes, they are tax-deductible for federal income purposes as allowed by law, subject to general limitations applicable to your personal circumstances. Please consult your tax advisor. If I join in the middle of the year, will my dues pay for one full year or through the end of December? Your dues will pay through the end of December. Near or at the beginning of the new calendar year, you will receive a reminder to renew your membership. I am already a member, but I need to update my account information. Whether you need to update your phone number or pay your dues online, it is easy to manage various aspects of your membership and your personal information. Go to <> Do I have to be a member in order to attend a NASDAD conference? No, you are not required to be a member to attend a NASDAD conference. However, all attendees are required to pay the Convention Registration Fee. How do I contact NASDAD about my membership? Contacting us is simple. We are here to serve you and answer any questions you may have. We’re also available to help guide and direct you to our various ministries and resources. You may reach us at (909) 558-8187 or you may email us at [email protected]. How and when will I receive notice of the annual membership dues? You will be notified by email and by a printed “dues envelope” when it is time to renew your annual membership. It’s very important to update your contact information for official NASDAD use so you’ll receive these and other important notifications. You may update your contact information at <>. Do I have to pay online? No. You may calculate your fees & donations and send a check for payment. To whom do I make my check payable? Please make your check payable to “NASDAD” or to “National Association of SDA Dentists”. Where do I sent my payments if I want to mail a check? National Association of Seventh-Day Adventist Dentists P.O. Box 101 Loma Linda, California 92354 Are there other optional payments in addition to my regular fees? Certain times of the year, if you plan to attend the annual convention, you may also pay NASDAD Convention fees. You may donate a minimum of $50 toward the Changing Lives, The Story of Dental Mission Service at Loma Linda University <>. Via the Online Giving page, you will also have the opportunity to donate to the Year Around Mission Money (YAMM) Fund, J.R. Mitchell Fund, and Better Living Dental Clinic Fund (Nairobi), and other voted projects as applicable. I didn’t receive an email notice of the annual fees. How do I submit payment? The new year’s annual membership fee is due annually. You may renew your membership online or send a check to the NASDAD office. |
Changing Lives: The Story of Dental Mission Service at Loma Linda University (NASDAD)
The long-awaited mission book, “Changing Lives,” has been published and is in our hands! This book features a number of NASDAD members and LLUSD alumni who have served NASDAD’s mission both in the United States and internationally. The stories and photographs provide a vivid experience in daily details of past and current dental missions. Yours for a minimum donation of $50.00 When applicable, shipping charges apply Voluntary Contributions NASDAD encourages members to support and contribute to NASDAD’s various mission funds and projects. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. The list below describes the goals of the programs and groups targeted for donations as well as where you can find additional information. Ready to make your contribution? <>
Year Around Mission Money (YAMM) YAMM funds are used throughout the year to support the various mission projects that are voted by the Board of Directors. To see projects supported in 2019, such as shipping donated equipment overseas to a mission clinic, see the list below.: J.R. Mitchell Fund The Mitchell Fund was formed in honor of Dr. J. Russell Mitchell. Its purpose is to help outfit new missionaries who are Deferred Mission Appointees getting ready for mission service. It can be used to purchase specific supplies and equipment for the clinic that would be helpful in an overseas practice or personal needs for the family to help in the transition Mission Project | Nairobi, Kenya - Better Living Dental Clinic 2025 NASDAD Membership Dues Regular Membership – Dentists, Dental hygienists shall be granted to dentists and dental hygienists who are committed to the mission, purpose and objectives of NASDAD and who have graduated from an accredited dental school or dental hygiene program.
* A regular member shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of NASDAD, including the right to vote and to hold office. DDS – $237 RDH – $117 1st year post-grad DDS – $117 1st year post-grad RDH – $57 Life Membership - Dentists. Life membership shall be conferred upon any member who has a total of twenty-five (25) years of regular membership. *A life member shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of NASDAD including the right to vote and to hold office. $0/yr Student Membership – Dental, Dental hygiene students. Student membership level shall be granted to any dental or dental hygiene student who supports the purpose and objectives of NASDAD. * A student member shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of NASDAD except the right to vote and to hold office. $0/yr Missionary Membership - Missionary membership is granted to anyone serving in a missionary capacity as defined by NASDAD. *A missionary member shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of NASDAD including the right to vote and to hold office. $0/yr Honorary Membership shall be conferred upon recommendation of the Board of Directors and majority vote of those present at any board meeting upon individuals who have demonstrated that they are constructive friends of the dental profession and of NASDAD. *An honorary member shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of NASDAD except the right to vote or to hold office. $0/yr |